• A producer can bring up to 10 fleeces total for Sale including Judged fleeces. If bringing Sale Only fleeces you may bring 7.
  • All fleeces should be as clean and free of debris as possible for a good opportunity for sale. Remember, our customers are knowledgeable buyers.
  • Fleeces must be displayed in clear plastic bags. (Hannaford and Market Basket usually carry clear garbage bags.)
  • You may put any paperwork/photos/business cards etc. into the bag with your fleece.
  • Pre-registration is strongly recommended.
  • A producer can bring up to 3 fleeces to be judged and 7 additional fleeces for Sale Only.
  • Judged fleeces may be marked NFS if the producer wants to keep them
  • All judged fleeces must be displayed in clear plastic bags with no personal identifying information displayed. Information/business cards etc. may be stapled to the bag in an unmarked envelope that will be opened and displayed after the judging is complete.
  • Fleeces judge much better if they are free of debris and skirted well.
  • Pre-registration is strongly recommended.


$3 registration fee must accompany each fleece — if you have multiple fleeces, one check may be mailed for all combined.

Any fleece displaying signs of vermin or moths will not be accepted into the Fleece Sale and Judging Barn.

It saves everyone time if you pre-register your fleeces, or at least have all of the paperwork completed and ready. Forms are available on this page.

Please do not ask volunteers to price fleeces for you when checking in – they will not do this for you.

Fleeces may be checked in on Friday from 12noon to 6pm, or they may be brought in anytime during the Festival weekend if they are for Sale only. Judged fleeces must be checked in and ready no later than 8:30am Saturday morning.

Unsold fleeces and moneys can be picked up after 3pm on Sunday. If you prefer to have your money mailed, you must provide a pre-addressed and stamped envelope suitable for cash.

The Festival Committee is not responsible for any lost money or fleeces.

Any fleeces not picked up by Festival closing on Sunday will be donated or destroyed.

(A scale will be available for weighing fleeces/checking fleece weights.)

Mail pre-registration form and check made out to NHSWGA:

Joanne Bickford
Attn: Fleece Sale and Judging
341 Top of the World Rd.
Center Sandwich, NH 03227

Phone contact for questions: 603-707-7791