The Youth Show is held annually at the Festival on Saturday morning. The emphasis of this sheep show is participation, not competition. Participants must preregister to receive premiums and a Sheep and Wool Festival t-shirt. A youth may show without preregistering but will receive only ribbons. Each participant is limited to one entry per class with a maximum limit of three animals. The show schedule follows the class list on the entry form. **Any premiums earned will be mailed after the festival.** If you have questions, please email or call the coordinator.

All sheep must have a Scrapie ID Tag in their ear. Out of state sheep must also have the required annual health certificate. All sheep must be individually identified by a legible, permanent, metal, or plastic tag. Rabies vaccinations are highly recommended. **All sheep will be checked before off loading this year. We will provide more information as soon as it is available.**

Youth are responsible for cleaning out their pen and surrounding area before they leave the fairground, so it is helpful if you bring a wheelbarrow, fork, etc.

Arrival at the Festival – No vehicles are allowed to move on the grounds after 8:30am, so please plan accordingly.

Show schedule – The show begins at 9:30 am with breed classes, followed by market lamb classes, costume show, and lead line class. Breed and market lamb classes will be placed using the Danish system. Classes may be divided by breed if there are enough animals. Premiums: Blue $10, Red, $7, White $5.

Costume Show – Each participant will receive $10. Participant chooses a character and dress in costume, along with a costume for the sheep. Please bring a narration the day of the show so that it may be read aloud as the youth walks in the show ring. Classes may be divided by age if there are enough participants – Novice, Junior, Intermediate, and Seniors.

Lead Line – Ages for Lead Line classes are participants age the day of the show. Lead line classes will be placed, and participants will re-ceive $10. Composition of garment fiber must be at least 70% wool. All sheep must be show on a halter in the Lead Line class. Wool breed sheep will be judged on its fleece; all sheep will be judged on cleanliness. Market lambs can be used if fitted as a market lamb (slick shorn). Sheep does not need to be owned by contestant nor does the sheep need to be registered with a breed association. Please enter your narrative using the link below.

Lead Line Classes:

Novice – ages 8 and under
Junior – ages 9-12
Intermediate – ages 13-15
Senior – ages 16-21

Each class will line up in the show ring as a group. Participants and their sheep are to walk around the ring wile their narration is read. Both the youth and the sheep are judged in this class. Sheep points are up to a maximum of 25. Youth and Garment points up to a maximum of 75. Please have a narration ready on the day of the show. Scores will be added up and ribbons awarded. For a copy of the score sheet, please email the Show Coordinator.

Please complete the Youth Show registration form and email to [email protected]


Entry Deadline: May 5th, 2024
Coordinator: Freddie Kazo
Phone: (603) 878-0417
Cell: (603) 345-1131
Email: [email protected]

Please complete the Youth Show registration form and email to [email protected]


How to Prepare and Show Your Sheep

with Emily Adams. YS. An all day clinic for both novice kids and adults.

Class cost: Free
Class location: Youth Show Tent
Instructor Bio: This clinic will be led by Emily Adams. Emily lives in Chichester, New Hampshire on her farm with her husband and two daughters. They raise market lambs as well as market and show hogs. Emily has been a part of the show community her entire life, currently exhibiting and judging at New England fairs while also leading a livestock 4H club in Merrimack County.