Registration Will Open February 1st and the link will be posted here.

The Youth Show is held annually at the Festival on Saturday. The emphasis of this sheep show is education and fun. Participants must preregister to receive premiums and a Sheep and Wool Festival t-shirt. A youth may show without preregistering but will receive only ribbons. Each participant is limited to one entry per class with a maximum limit of three animals. The show schedule follows the class list on the entry form.

All sheep must have a Scrapie ID Tag in their ear. All sheep must be individually identified by a legible, permanent, metal, or plastic tag. Out-of-state sheep must also have a veterinarian-documented health certificate. Rabies vaccinations are highly recommended. All sheep will undergo a health check before off-loading.

Bedding is not provided.  Youth are responsible for cleaning out their pen and surrounding area before they leave the fairground, so it is helpful if you bring a wheelbarrow, fork, etc.  Youth will also be asked to disassemble and stack pens. 

Arrival at the FestivalNo vehicles are allowed on the grounds after 8:30 am and must be moved to the parking lot. 

Show scheduleThe show begins at 9:30 am with breed classes as well as best fleece and market lamb classes.  After the lunch break, there will be showmanship and sheep agility classes.

Breed classes will be placed using the Danish system. Classes may be divided by breed if there are enough animals. Premiums: Blue $10, Red, $7, White $5.  Premiums earned will be mailed after the festival. Best fleece and market lamb class winner will be awarded a blanket from the NHSWGA.  

This year, there will be no leadline or costume classes. This will free up time to spend learning about other breeds of sheep and improving showmanship skills as well as fun activities such as Sheep Olympics and possibly a treasure hunt. 

If you have questions or suggestions, please email the coordinator.


Entry Deadline: May 4th, 2025
Coordinator: Freddie Kazo
Phone: (603) 878-0417
Cell: (603) 345-1131
Email: [email protected]

Youth Show Registration:

There’s a new way to register for the Youth Show. Clicking on the registration button will bring you to the Eventeny website. It should bring you to the “Youth Show Ticket”. There is no cost to participate in the Youth Show. But go through as if you were to purchase. You will see the youth show questions, etc. Again, you will see $0.00 in your cart.

If you somehow are on the main page, Click on “Get Tickets”. This will bring you to the Admission Ticket page. Select Youth Show. This will bring you to the registration form.